
Showing posts from February 8, 2010


In the few weeks ago, we went on a field trip to the 蛇窯, which is mean a place which they make the china and clay out of mud. It's name is "snake" cause that it got a Dragon before in china and is only for king's plate and things, so they called it snake so it won't be against the king. We went there and there are different kind of kiln. There is alots a big huge one which is seriously called SNAKE is the biggest one in taiwan, it is a only few kiln which actually left didn't been distorted. After we view all the tools and kilns we start to do our own plate or things by clay. They gave us a piece of clay and tell us that keep punch it till it become a ball shape, and however don't make it got the line between each fold cause otherwise when they are burning it, it will explode.