
Showing posts from January 31, 2009

Life after people

Today we watched a video called "Life after people". That video is talking about if all the humans disappear at once. What happen will it be ? A day, a year, ten year, what happened will the city become ? That is a science video, in my view i think that is kind of funny. Because: 1. Humans wouldn't disappear at once 2. If the mill keep working like few years with no humans, it will destroyed the world. So if it keep working and working, those animal wouldn't have this chance to come to the city. They must been killed. For example like, if all the people on the Earth gone at one time, except Taiwan, what happened ? What kind of things will it be ? Human is an animal that they will help each other. If all the human are gone that will be simple. Because no one is one the Earth any more. But this time is not the same, Taiwan's people alive. But they must have some thing it eat, after all Taiwan's human will get out of Taiwan because no more food on this land. Unti